Sugar, to mix one’s metaphors, is heading for a perfect storm. And this is being made because of our own policies. By the year-end, retail prices of sugar in Delhi and Mumbai may cross the Rs 40 per kg barrier — an almost 150 per cent increase in less than 15 months. And no, you can’t blame climate change or monsoon failures for this. So, what triggered the sugar crisis? In...
World unemployment up despite economic recovery
Despite signs of an economic revival gathering pace around the globe, the millions of people laid off during the worst recession in 70 years are unlikely to see relief any time soon as joblessness is still climbing in many of the world's largest economies. Unemployment data typically lags other indicators of economic health as companies hold off adding staff in the early stages of a rebound. The upturns recorded recently in...
More »Centre raises MSP for many rabi crops
The UPA government on Thursday raised the minimum support price (MSP) for most rabi crops, encouraging the sowing exercise under way. Aiming at making up the loss in kharif production due to delayed and poor rainfall, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), presided over by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, raised the minimum support price of wheat to be marketed in 2010-11 by Rs. 20 to Rs.1,100 per quintal. This year, the...
More »Don’t uncork the bubbly yet! by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
That the economies of Asia, in particular China, India and Australia, are responsible for whatever growth is currently taking place on the planet is now acknowledged and underlined by the West as well as by multilateral financial agencies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The 3.5 per cent growth in the American economy in the July-September quarter has enthused many into believing that the worst of...
More »Migration: supportive policies needed by Vidya Subrahmaniam
The United Nations Development Programme-sponsored 2009 Human Development Report on migration, “Overcoming Barriers: Human mobility and Development” has been widely acknowledged as a path-breaking study on human movement. Shattering the many myths around migration, the report concludes that most migration is in fact beneficial, and calls for supporting policies to ease barriers to free movement. Senior Assistant Country Director, UNDP, K. Seeta Prabhu. discusses the report with The Hindu For...
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