Total Matching Records found : 6173

PDS coupons in Bihar to be bar-coded from June by Santosh Singh

In a unique move to curb corruption in the public distribution system (PDS), ration coupons in Bihar will be bar-coded from June. The next set of PDS coupons —a for June 2011 to May 2012 — has gone into print and will have bar code to prevent duplication. A bar code is a group of thin and thick lines printed on products you buy in a shop, and which a computer...

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Bihar NREGA ‘outsourcing’ gives UP renewed hope

A recent advertisement by the Bihar government to hand over the implementation of MGNREGA to non-government organisations has attracted the state’s attention. About four months ago, the state was asked by the Centre to withdraw a similar move. The state officials are now studying the tender document made public by the Bihar government for MNREGA and Indira Awas Yojana to counter the objections of the Union Ministry of Rural Development. The ministry...

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Village mourns a fighter by Santosh K Kiro

A deafening silence hovers over Jerua three days after firebrand activist Niyamat Ansari was dragged out of his home, beaten up and killed for exposing fraud perpetrated by unscrupulous contractors, possibly in cahoots with Maoists, while implementing projects meant to ensure financial empowerment for villagers. Around 150km from the state capital, Jerua is part of Manika block in the Maoist hub of Latehar district. The 10-km mud road through dense forests...

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Male bias hits MGNREGS norms of jobs to women by Anil Yadav

The Centre’s flagship project Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), in which it it mandatory to employ at least 33 per cent women of its total work force, has become a victim of male bias in Uttar Pradesh. Against guidelines for the scheme, aimed at empowering women through ensuring their share in income, on an average only 18 per cent women are getting employment in the most populated state...

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Not smart enough? by Swati Narayan

Smart card technology can be used to streamline India's unwieldy PDS. But it is yet to prove itself under real world challenges. Smart cards have become the latest buzzword to remedy India's public distribution system (PDS) — one of the largest food grain delivery networks in the world with more than 500,000 ‘ration' shops. Electronic voting machines have streamlined Indian elections. Credit cards, which can be swiped for payment at any...

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