Total Matching Records found : 6306

Child labourers' plight: Underpaid and overworked by Puja Marwaha

For most people in cities, Labour Day (or May Day, which was on May 1) was just another public holiday that nobody thought too much about. On a day marked to give voice to the rights of the Indian work force, perhaps one ought to consider those who have been forced to join their ranks too soon - child labourers. According to government estimates, an astounding 42.02% of the Indian workforce...

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The cash mantra by Jean Dreze

Conditional cash transfers” (CCTs) are a new buzzword in policy circles. The idea is simple: give poor people cash conditional on good behaviour such as sending children to school. This helps to score two goals in one shot: poor people get some income support, and at the same time, they take steps to lift themselves out of poverty. CCT enthusiasm, however, is often based on a superficial reading of the Latin...

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Orissa: MGNREGA seems very hard to detain Migration by Alok Kumar Padhi

MGNREG Act came in to existence to check out poverty & distress migration. It also brought with the hope to create some permanent asset for the village. According to this Act came in to existence, then guide line also presented. Officials & staffs also appointed to implement the Act from state level to village level. Govt. is spending more & more money for staffs, fuels, different register for office use...

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It’s bloomtime now by Shashi Tharoor & Keerthik Sasidharan

In the 1920s, a young Tamil girl sang and starred in her school musical. It was, ostensibly, a private event with few outsiders. Yet so exceptional was her singing that Swadesamitran ran her photograph and wrote about the event. Seeing that photo in the newspaper, her household “was appalled” for, as the music historian V Sriram writes, “good, chaste women never had their photographs published in papers”. Today, this seems like...

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Farm schemes to have states in lead role in XIIth plan by Devika Banerji

The agriculture ministry has decided to drastically reduce the number of central schemes after it found that most of its schemes, barring a few like the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY), have become redundant. The farm ministry thinks only 10 of the 51 existing schemes should be sufficient to take care of the sector. The total outlay for agriculture schemes is 15,034 crore. "It is true that many of our 51 schemes...

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