Total Matching Records found : 6102

Robust farm growth to help tame inflation by Zia Haq

Just over a year since it was crippled by a drought, India’s agriculTure sector is firing on all cylinders again, a much-needed Turnaround that could keep overall growth high and make fighting inflation easier. The country looks set to reap its second-highest harvest of foodgrains in 2010-11, which includes an estimated 81.47 million tonnes of wheat alone, agriculTure minister Sharad Pawar said on Wednesday. Apart from cereals, record output in pulses...

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Blame climate change! by TN Ninan

So what caused the French Revolution? Food prices did. A hailstorm destroyed French crops, food prices rose 88 per cent in one year, and hungry Parisians Turned on their rulers. Ditto with the Tian-an-men showdown exactly 200 years later, in 1989: consumer prices rose 21 per cent in a country that had known virtually no inflation under Communist rule. The Suharto regime got overthrown in Indonesia in 1998 after food...

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Food inflation sharply falls to 13.07%, may stabilise at 8-9%

Food inflation dropped sharply to 13.07% for the week ended January 29 from 17.05% in the previous week. According to data released by the ministry of industry and commerce on Thursday food inflation declined to a seven-week low due to decline in the prices of pulses and potatoes. On an annual basis, prices of potatoes declined 8.87%, while pulses fell 8.63% and wheat by 3.58%, the government data said. Although the...

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Government estimates foodgrains production at 232.07 million tonnes in 2010-11

The second advance estimates of crop production for 2010-11 released by Ministry of AgriculTure has projected India's foodgrain production at 232.07 million tonnes during 2010-11 compared to 218.11 million tonnes last year. This is only marginally below the record production of 234.47 million tonnes of foodgrains in 2008-09. India is forecasted to achieve record production of wheat (81.47 million tonnes), pulses (16.51 million tonnes) and cotton (339.27 lakh bales of 170...

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Punjab losing out on traditional seeds by Ramaninder K Bhatia

Why women in Punjab villages shy away from offering their super-nutritious panjiri to guests from abroad, and instead offer them chips and coke? And, is there any connection between panjiri and failure of the Punjab farmers to save their own traditional (sustainable) seeds in favour of hybrids or new varieties dished out by PAU or private companies? 'There is a deep connection between the two,' says Arshinder Kaur, India coordinator for international...

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