Total Matching Records found : 5330

Employers let temporary workers go first during economic crisis – UN report

Workers who found jobs through temporary employment agencies were among the first to find themselves out of work as a result of the global financial and economic crises, according to a new United Nations report released today. The International Labour Organization (ILO) report noted that the largest number of temporary job losses was recorded in the manufacturing sector of developed countries, especially in the car industry. Spotlighting Germany, where between...

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Global Hunger Index: Hunger Linked to Gender; India’s Situation “Alarming” by Saabira Chaudhuri

The 2009 Global Hunger Index (GHI), released last week by the International Food Policy Research Institute, sheds renewed light on just how acute India’s hunger situation actually is. Although South Asia has made progress at combating hunger since 1990, the IFPRI report terms the GHI in the region as being “distressingly high.” India is near the bottom, ranking at 65 (out of 84 countries) with a GHI of 23.90, which the...

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GEAC fails the nation, takes the side of Seed Companies on Bt Brinjal

The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) today considered the approval of Bt Brinjal at their 97th meeting. Internal sources say that GEAC approved the Environmental release of Bt Brinjal although there were three voices of dissent within the committee, including that of Supreme Court observer and noted molecular biologist Dr P.M Bhargava. It is further believed that committee’s recommendations have been sent for the final government approval for commercial release....

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Are we ready for genetically modified vegetables? by Raashi Bhatia

You may soon find India’s first genetically modified vegetable, Bt brinjal, making its way to your vegetable market. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee, which is responsible for approval of proposals relating to release of genetically engineered products, on Wednesday approved the Environmental release of the vegetable but it still has to get a nod from the central government. Many in India are concerned over the harmful effects of the vegetable...

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Easy Does It

In a significant first for India, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee, the country's biotechnology regulator, has deemed Bt brinjal suitable for consumption. That clears the path for it to become the first genetically modified (GM) food crop to be commercially cultivated. Bt brinjal, and by extension all GM food, has been at the centre of a fierce debate over the safety and utility of GM food products. Criticism has focused...

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