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Rural incomes: Why farm PRIces are now more prone to falling than to rising -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express The transition from a regime of ‘downward stickiness’ to ‘upward stickiness’ has relevance beyond economic jargon. Here’s how Agricultural commodity PRIces in India have traditionally exhibited what economists call “downward stickiness” — resistance to any declines, while rising at the slightest demand-supply imbalance. That conventional wisdom may have been turned on its head by demonetisation. The tendency now is for PRIces to be increasingly “sticky upward”. The accompanying table (right)...

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Demolition, by Manmohan -Sanjay K Jha

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Manmohan Singh, once nicknamed Maunmohan by Narendra Modi, has delivered the most comprehensive and stringent critique yet of the PRIme Minister and his governance, declaring failure with "both the head and the heart". Citing statistics but taking care to throw in personal elements and a historical perspective in the run-up to the demonetisation anniversary, the former PRIme Minister strafed his successor from multiple flanks. But the economist kept the...

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Demonetisation anniversary: Why less cash in itself may not necessarily mean less black money -Sunny Verma

-The Indian Express It can also mean other things such as currency shortage, transaction mode shift. The government has presented a lower cash-to-GDP ratio as a key achievement of demonetisation, and a measure of black money being checked. Economists, however, caution against reading this metric in isolation. PRIme Minister Narendra Modi said last month that the cash-to-GDP ratio is down to 9% after demonetisation, from over 12% earlier. “Was it possible if a...

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Improve nutritional content of school meals to tackle stunting - Soumya Swaminathan and SV Subramanian

-Hindustan Times As per the latest National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau, which has been collecting data on diet and nutritional status of rural, tribal and urban populations for almost four decades, the calorie intake of children (1-3 years) in rural areas was only about 70% of their requirement due to shortage. In India, more than 4.8 crore children suffer from stunting, which means they are below the normal height range for their...

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Health insurance scheme ailing as no. of states covered falls to 15 -Christin Mathew Philip

-The Times of India BENGALURU: In last year's budget, Union finance minister Arun Jaitley promised a health cover of Rs 1 lakh per poor family under the National Health Protection Scheme, which was meant to replace the UPA government's Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY). However, with the programme yet to see the light of day, the Centre is forced to continue with RSBY, which seems to be losing ground. An RTI application...

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