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Banking is a child’s play for these slum kids in Ranchi -Saumya Mishra

-Hindustan Times Ranchi: Bankers come in pint size at an urban slum in Ranchi. And they run a bank for the children, by the children and of the children. Ten-year-old Nisha Kumari has an account in the bank — Children’s Development Khazana (CDK)—which opened in 2014. And her small pleasures of childhood is not held hostage to the priorities of her poor family. “During Durga Puja last year, a few relatives had visited...

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Bharat Bandh: All you need to know about the trade unions strike -Sai Nidhi

-DNA The nationwide one day strike according to the trade unions is supposed to be the biggest strike ever in the country. This protest is a strike against the anti-worker economic policies of the government. 10 central trade unions have declared a nation-wide strike on September 2 which is said to impact essential services. This strike is to protest against the changes that have been made in the labour laws by...

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FaiLED crops, parched fields, now Marathwada faces the great thirst -Kavitha Iyer

-The Indian Express Wells dry up across 8 districts, storage down to less than 8%, residents trudge long distances, officials brace for worst drinking water crisis in 40 years. Beed/ Parbhani (Maharashtra): Seventy-year-old Parobai Shinde, carrying an aluminium pot that has seen better days, is briskly walking the 2-km stretch from her home in Manyarwadi village in Georai taluka in Beed district to Bharat Sonmali’s field. Sonmali is reploughing his 30...

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In land Bill setback, BJP sees a silver lining of ‘competing states’ - Liz Mathew

-The Indian Express The BJP argued that the “competitive federalism” created by the move would put the onus of development on Congress-ruLED states Even as the Congress claimed credit for the NDA government’s retreat on the land acquisition Bill, the BJP argued that the “competitive federalism” created by the move would put the onus of development on Congress-ruLED states and would give BJP the political mileage in the states where it...

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IMD’s monsoon forecast -Anil Padmanabhan With barely weeks left for the to begin its retreat, it is emerging that India will close the year with a deficit much higher than what was initially forecast  Another year and another bad monsoon. What were the odds? The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast this year’s monsoon—like last year—to be below normal. At that time, we all hoped that the IMD had got it wrong—the economy was on the...

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