-The Hindu Six of them are in Tamil Nadu and one each in Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha India has added 10 more Ramsar sites, or wetlands that are of international importance, taking the number of such sites to 64, Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav said on Wednesday. “Absolutely thrilled to inform that 10 more Indian wetlands have got Ramsar recognition as wetlands of international importance,” Mr. Yadav tweeted. The 10 new sites —...
Making sense of the ‘freebies’ issue -Dipa Sinha
-The Hindu Most welfare schemes contribute to improving human development outcomes, also resulting in higher growth Concern over ‘freebies’ in Indian politics has recently been expressed by those in the highest offices in the country. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the Bundelkhand Expressway (Uttar Pradesh) on July 16, Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned youth not to get carried away by the ‘revari culture’, where votes are sought by promising ‘freebies’. He...
More »Odisha fails to carry out plantation activities in 50% of the targeted area -Satyasundar Barik
-The Hindu Odisha misses degraded patches, thus plantation target missed, says CAG The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has found concentration of plantation activities in easily accessible areas like land along the pathways, leaving the degraded patches in the middle of dense forest unplanted in Odisha — one of reasons cited for missing plantation target in the State. The CAG came down heavily on the State government indicating that plantation undertaken by...
More »Normal monsoon rainfall likely in August-September: IMD -Jayashree Nandi
-Hindustan Times Parts of eastern and northeastern India, which recorded scanty rainfall in June and July, may not get adequate showers in the next two months as well, the weather office said, raising concerns over the kharif or monsoon crop. Rainfall during the second half of the southwest monsoon is likely to be normal, the India Meteorological Department predicted on Monday. In the first half, till July 31, it was 8% above...
More »Child’s Aadhaar not mandatory for anganwadi benefits, say WCD’s Poshan 2 guidelines
-Hindustan Times Anganwadi services scheme under Poshan 2 is open to all eligible beneficiaries on the condition that the beneficiary is registered at the nearest anganwadi centre NEW DELHI: A child’s Aadhaar card is not mandatory for availing benefits under the anganwadi services and it can be accessed using the mother’s Aadhaar card, according to the guidelines for the new ‘Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2 scheme’ released on Tuesday. The ‘Saksham Anganwadi and...
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