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Prisoners of memes, social media victims -Ashwaq Masoodi India is increasingly jailing its young for online posts that ‘offend’ politicians. The impact on their lives and families is devastating Initially, they all thought it was a joke when the police turned up. Once the prison gates opened, reality sunk in. Entering the dark, stinking cells, filled with dangerous looking strangers, they all felt a mix of emotions. There was of course incomprehension, fear, and an unexplainable feeling of guilt...

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Is the new GDP series a travesty of statistics? -Himanshu India’s statistical system suffered credibility shocks when the GDP series was released Last week, the NITI Aayog released the back series of gross domestic product (GDP) data on base 2011-12 for the years 2004-05 to 2011-12. The series was eagerly awaited by researchers as well as policymakers ever since the base was revised in January 2015. This release follows an unofficial release of the report of the committee on real...

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A new deal for the farmer -Yashwant Sinha

-The Indian Express A Basic Income Scheme for the farmer will not tax the government’s resources. But it could stem the tide of distress in the countryside. The neglect of Indian agriculture by the NDA government, despite the tall promises in the BJP election manifesto of 2014 has Been the cause of untold suffering of the Indian farmer over the last four years. This has led to large-scale farmers suicides and...

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Why number of hungry is rising -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express After number fell from 2003 to 2014, UN data find trend reversed. Yet since 2014, global farm commodity prices have Been falling. Here is why that has not stopped the rise in the number of hungry people A decade-long phenomenon of the number of undernourished people in the world falling between 2003 and 2014, both in absolute terms (from 961.5 million to 783.7 million) and relative to total...

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Soon, a child can withdraw from Aadhaar at adulthood -S Ronendra Singh

-The Hindu Business Line Law Ministry readies Cabinet note New Delhi: Attaining adulthood gives a lot of rights to a teenager such as voting, driving, marriage in the case of a girl. Now, there will be additional one — the power to withdraw his/her Aadhaar account and delete all identity details, including biometrics. A Cabinet note has Been prepared in which a provision is proposed to be made in the Aadhaar Act that...

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