-Live Mint/ Bloomberg As much as better policies and better tax system, it's the humble toilet that can be an engine of future Indian growth On Tuesday, the United Nations marked its inaugural World Toilet Day, designed to draw attention to the fact that more than one-sixth of humanity still lacks indoor sanitation, and that the world needs new ideas and technologies to deal with one of the most basic...
Put Info on NREGA, PDS in Public Domain: Centre to States
-Outlook New Delhi: The Centre today asked state governments to put all information related to implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and Public Distribution System in public domain. It has also asked states to ensure proactive disclosure under Right to Information (RTI) Act of information on public works done by a department at block and panchayat levels. Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 lays down that information should be...
More »Banking on women
-The Hindu To the long list of 28 public sector banks in India, one more was added with the inauguration of the Bharatiya Mahila Bank (BMB) on Tuesday by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The bank is unique in more ways than one. It will focus predominantly on women, apart from being staffed largely by them. To the BMB will go the distinction of being the first-ever public sector bank to...
More »Surveillance and its privacy pitfalls-Suhrith Parthasarathy
-The Hindu The Gujarat snooping incident should be used as an opportunity to ask how the government has assumed the power to order such invasive, unchecked surveillance. On November 15, a pair of investigative portals released a set of audio transcripts depicting an extraordinarily invasive and scrupulous surveillance of a young woman by the Gujarat Police. Its implications, limited as they may appear to those who consider privacy a besmirched value, in...
More »Bangalore, Chennai top on website’s bribe index, cash paid totals Rs 23 crore -Christin Mathew Philip
-The Times of India CHENNAI: If an anti-corruption website ( www.ipaidabribe.com) set up by Bangalore-based NGO Janaagraha is an indicator, Chennai is the second most corrupt city in the country after Bangalore. More than 1,100 Chennaiites posted on the website, which encourages voluntary disclosure of bribe-paying, that they had cumulatively paid more than Rs 7 crore in the last three years to grease the palms of government officers. Most pertain to land...
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