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Not all or nothing

-The Indian Express The rural health cadre will not create two classes of doctors, it will help fill two different needs. The cabinet is pondering the idea of a cadre of mid-level health practitioners, a plan that has been fiercely resisted by medical associations because they worry it will dilute the worth of MBBS graduates. It has also been recently rejected by the parliamentary standing committee on health, for allegedly creating two...

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At UN meeting, experts stress need to rethink food systems to improve nutrition

-The United Nations Food systems will need to change significantly to tackle severe nutrition problems that currently afflict more than half of the world's population, experts told a United Nations meeting in Rome today. "It is clear that the ways in which food is managed today are failing to result in sufficient improvements in nutrition. The most shocking fact is that over 840 million people still suffer from hunger today, despite the...

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Union Cabinet okays plan to raise cadre of health workers for rural areas

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet on Wednesday cleared the health ministry's proposal to institute a three-year degree programme for public health professionals. The bachelor in community health programme will act as a bridge between auxiliary nurse midwife and a doctor and overrides the objections raised by a parliamentary panel and the Medical Council of India. The decision will help raise a cadre of public health professionals for rural...

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Scaling up agroecology: A tool for policy-Shiney Varghese

-Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Blog For those who see agroecological approaches as necessary for achieving the food, health, and environmental targets of post 2015 agenda, agroecology is not only central to maintaining ecosystem integrity, but also to realizing food sovereignty of those involved in food production and consumption. IATP's new report, Scaling up Agroecology: Toward the Realization of the Right to Food, begins from five principles of agroecology, presents examples...

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Plates loaded with pesticides: Survey shows fruit, vegetables are high on chemical content -Garima Prasher

-The Times of India BANGALORE: Probably it's time to take a closer look at what's on your platter. Cypermethrin, heptachlor, quinalphos, aldrin, chlorodane, dichlorvas, cypermethrin - these banned pesticides could well be a part of your regular diet. Okras, leafy green cabbages and other vegetables, bananas or oranges and apples that you so relish may be overloaded with some of these harmful pesticides. A study by the Food Safety and Standards Authority...

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