फूड एंड एग्रीकल्चर ऑर्गनाईजेशन (एफएओ) द्वारा जून महीने में प्रकाशित द फूड आऊटलुक में कहा गया है कि साल २०१०-११ में दुनिया में अनाज का उत्पादन २२७९.५ मिलियन टन होने की संभावना है जो कि अपने आप में एक रिकार्ड बढत है। पिछले साल २२५३.१ मिलियन टन अनाज उत्पादन हुआ था और इसकी तुलना में साल २०१०-११ का उत्पादन १.२ फीसदी ज्यादा है। एफएओ के मुताबिक अनाज के उत्पादन में...
The Kernel Of Bad Ethics by Suman Sahai
IF DISRUPTIONS over phone tapping and the India Premier League controversy had not taken Parliament sessions hostage, the Rajya Sabha may have passed the controversial Seeds Bill in the week of April 26, when it was slated to come up for discussion. The government was keen to give this Bill the force of law as soon as possible because the seed industry wants it. The Seeds Bill originally proposed in 2004...
More »Problems of plenty for West Bengal’s potato farmers by Romita Datta
Potato farmers Madhusudan Mondal and Lakshman Adak, in their mid-50s, live 15km apart in West Bengal’s Hooghly district. Both have produced a bumper crop this year, but that has meant different things for Mondal and Adak. Mondal earned around Rs3.5 lakh selling 150 tonnes of potatoes to PepsiCo India Holdings Pvt. Ltd, having signed a contract with the maker of carbonated beverages and Frito-Lay chips to sell his produce to it...
More »Delivering food security
The well-intentioned food security Bill, cleared by the empowered group of ministers (EGoM) and now awaiting Cabinet approval, continues to raise issues that have not been fully resolved. Apart from the fact that it falls short of the Congress party’s election promise of guaranteeing nutritional security for the poor, it is still not clear how the government intends to mobilise the food stocks required to implement such a Bill across...
More »The hungry republic by Samar Halarnkar
I want you to consider some well-known, oft-repeated facts: * About half of India’s children are malnourished, a record poorer than the world’s poorest area, sub-Saharan Africa. * India is home to a quarter of the world’s hungry — about 230 million people — according to the World Food Programme. * India is the world’s second-largest grower of rice and wheat, and more than 50 million tonnes of foodgrains lie in...
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