In the backdrop of climate change and other environmental challenges, Kerala announced a Rs 1000-crore 'Green Fund' for the next five years while earmarking an initial provision of Rs 100 crore in the budget for 2010-11. State Finance Minister T M Thomas Isaac, who presented the budget in the state assembly, said the fund would be utilized to take up projects to preserve natural assets like forests and promote green...
India’s contribution pushes UN global campaign to over 10 billion trees planted
India, the world’s second most populous country, announced today that it is coming on board the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) campaign to cover the world with billions of trees, pushing the total number planted so far to more than 10 billion since the movement started in 2006. The South Asian nation is one of the fastest-growing economies in the region and is among the world’s largest consumers of wood products....
More »Below the radar, a new agribusiness pact with the U.S. by Gargi Parsai
The MoU is also intended to give a push to private investment in agriculture The government last week quietly secured Cabinet approval for a new agreement with the United States that aims, inter alia, at promoting the privatisation of agricultural extension services and facilitating collaborations between American agribusiness and the Indian farm sector. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. on ‘Agriculture Cooperation and Food Security’ was approved on...
More »Sunderbans will drown in 60 yrs: WWF by Jayanta Gupta
The World Wildlife Fund has warned that days are numbered for much of the sensitive Sunderbans eco-system and in 60 years vast tracts of the rare mangrove forests, home to the Bengal tiger, will be inundated by the rising sea. The study, focussed on Sunderbans in Bangladesh, says the sea was rising more swiftly than anticipated by Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (IPCC) in 2007 and would rise 11.2 inches...
More »Focus on farm growth, food security bill by Gargi Parsai
Surging food inflation, decline in agriculture growth rate and the impending food security bill are expected to be at the centre of the coming Union budget. With a bumper wheat harvest expected this rabi, there are projections of a turnaround in the farm sector from the present growth rate of 0.2 per cent. Food prices, which grew at an unprecedented rate of nearly 20 per cent in January, are expected...
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