जनआंदोलनों और नागरिक संगठनों के राष्ट्रीय गठबंधन एनएपीएम ने प्रसिद्ध गांधीवादी हिमांशु कुमार के छत्तीसगढ़ में शांति और सुशासन स्थापित करने की मांग के प्रति अपना पूर्ण समर्थन जताया है। श्री कुमार वनवासी चेतना आश्रम से संबद्ध हैं। गौरतलब है कि श्री हिमांशु कुमार छ्तीसगढ़ के दंतेवाड़ा इलाके में गुजरे 26 दिसंबर से अनियतकालीन उपवास पर हैं। उन्होंने यह उपवास माओवादियों पर सरकार द्वारा नये सिरे से कार्रवाई करने की खबरों...
Rallying against hunger by Chandni Mehta
In a year of sparse rains and spiralling food prices, with hundreds of districts being officially declared as drought-hit, a rally by activists in the capital demands a Food Entitlements Act. Perhaps the most vocal demands at the rally were those aimed at a complete revamp of the Public Distribution System (PDS), starting with universal — instead of targeted — coverage. Over 5,000 grassroots activists, agricultural workers, farmers, lawyers, doctors and...
More »Lola Nayar Interviews Kanayo Nwanze
The President of International Fund for Agricultural Development stresses that access to funds for developing countries will help them make ethical decisions in the quest for food security. Just days before the UN Climate Change summit at Copenhagen, Kanayo Nwanze, President of IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), stresses that access to funds for developing countries will help them make ethical decisions in the quest for food security. Nwanze was...
More »The Split Reality by Ashok Mitra
Some news is considered more worth publicizing than some other news. This is part of an essential discipline, for otherwise we will remain perennially buried under an avalanche of data, information and gossip. The wheat, never mind the change of metaphor, has to be separated from the chaff. The media perform this task. Occasionally the government of the land helps the media to do the choosing: the authorities have their...
More »Managing Disasters and Displacement by SG Vombatkere
The article presents the political and economic impacts of various kinds of natural and man-made disasters and associated displacement of populations, and argues for a wider and more inclusive definition of disasters in the interest of human rights, social justice and equity for the victims of disasters. Legislation, Disasters and People Numerous disasters at national and international levels have caused governments to recognise the need for rapid and effective response to provide...
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