Change is the great constant of the world economy. India was still a colony when the allied powers shaped the international architecture at the end of World War Two. Today, India is a rising economic power that is contributing to world growth in new and powerful ways. Economic reforms in India and China, and the export-driven growth strategies of East Asia all contributed in the last 20 years to a world...
पूर्वानुमानों से कहीं ज्यादा तेज है जलवायु परिवर्तन की गति
400 की तादाद में मुख्य वैज्ञानिक अध्ययनों पर आधारित यूएन की हालिया पर्यावरण रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि जलवायु परिवर्तन का खतरा पहले के अनुमानों से कहीं अधिक है।यूएनईपी क्लाइमेट चेंज साईंस कंपेडियम 2009 की रिपोर्ट में चेतावनी दी गई है कि समुद्र तल साल 2100 तक 2 मीटर ऊँचा उठ सकता है।(देखें संबंधित रिपोर्ट की नीचे दी गई लिंक)। रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि ग्लेशियर, हिमाच्छादन और ध्रवीय प्रदेशों का नाश अनुमान से...
More »Suck CO2 from air to save world from global warming, says Pachauri
Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change (IPCC) chief Rajendra Pachauri has said that drastic cuts in carbon emissions may not be sufficient to avoid the worst ravages of global warming and the world will need to suck carbon from the atmosphere to avert permanent damage to the climate. According to a report in The Times, Dr Pachauri proposed that new techniques should be applied to help to mop up atmospheric levels of...
More »‘No question of taking any binding emission cuts’
India on Sunday said there was no question of taking any binding carbon emission cuts, indicating the coordinated approach major emerging economies including Beijing and New Delhi are likely to adopt at the climate change summit in Copenhagen, which is just a week away. “There cannot be any emission cuts... that is what we have said and also something the developed countries have said... they [industrialised nations] don’t expect countries like...
More »IFAD chief says climate change threat is very real by Gargi Parsai
Without crop varieties adapting to extremes of weather, feeding world population will be difficult Shortage of water resources will be one of the greatest problems NEW DELHI: “The threat of climate change and its impact on agriculture is real. We have evidence that by 2025 in some parts of the world including India, parts of Asia and parts of Africa, crop yields will drop from anything between 20 and 40 per cent...
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