आदिवासी समुदाय को जमीन पर हकदारी देने वाले वनाधिकार कानून पर अमल का अंदाजा इस तथ्य से लगाइए कि इस साल के जून महीने के आखिर तक राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर वनपट्टों पर दावेदारी के तकरीबन 50 फीसद मामले खारिज किए गए हैं. खारिज किए गए ये मामले कुल 19 राज्यों के हैं. जनजातीय कार्य मंत्रालय द्वारा वनाधिकार कानून के क्रियान्यवयन से संबंधित जारी नये आंकड़ों से इस तथ्य का खुलासा होता...
It’s tougher now for babus to overstay by Mukesh Ranjan
In a bid to curb the tendency among bureaucrats belonging to the All-India Services (AIS), including Indian Admini-trative Service (IAS) officers, to overstay on inter-cadre deputation for personal gains (location or otherwise), the government has decided to make the process of granting extension much harder. The Cabinet Committee on Appointment headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has in a meeting directed the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) to set out...
More »The Split Reality by Ashok Mitra
Some news is considered more worth publicizing than some other news. This is part of an essential discipline, for otherwise we will remain perennially buried under an avalanche of data, information and gossip. The wheat, never mind the change of metaphor, has to be separated from the chaff. The media perform this task. Occasionally the government of the land helps the media to do the choosing: the authorities have their...
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