-The Indian Express The apex court has asked the two to make themselves available for trial and to remain present during the hearings. New Delhi: The Supreme Court Friday granted regular bail to tribal teacher Soni Sori and journalist Lingaram Kodopi in connection with a case in which they are accused of acting as conduits to receive protection money from Essar Group on behalf of Maoists. A Bench of Justices S S...
Everywhere, a Maoist plot -Nandini Sunder
-The Indian Express Chhattisgarh government is unable to accept the right to protest and unwilling to hear the people's voice. By going to town as the Chhattisgarh police and media have recently done on my alleged Maoist links, the real questions have been sidelined. As citizens of this country, do we have the right to protest democratically and constitutionally, and as journalists, researchers or human rights activists, are we free to pursue...
More »Different strategies for different booths-Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu For the first time in decades, the Maoists have encouraged calibrated polling in some areas, instead of fanatically implementing a policy to boycott the election The districts of Chhattisgarh partially controlled by Maoists - with 12 Assembly constituencies - voted overwhelmingly in 2013. Compared to 2008, voter turnout in 2013 increased by 9.67 percentage points in 12 constituencies, while the overall polling was 6.81 percentage points higher than in the...
More »Dr. Felix Padel, Anthropologist interviewed by Survival International
-Survival International Anthropologist Dr. Felix Padel works with the tribes of Odisha in eastern India, including the Dongria Kondh, for whom Survival International has campaigned for 10 years. Felix is the great great grandson of Charles Darwin and lives in a remote village in Odisha. In this interview, he talks to Survival about the Dongria Kondh's relationship to their mountains, their heroic struggle against Vedanta, Darwin's evolution theory and the experience...
More »Media censorship, surveillance rose in India in 2013: report -Venkatesh Upadhyay
-Live Mint Eight journalists were killed in 2013 while covering stories, six of them during the Muzaffarnagar riots New Delhi: More journalists were killed and attempts to censor the media increased across the country this year, said a report titled ‘Free Speech in India 2013' from the media affairs website, the Hoot. Eight journalists were killed in 2013 while covering stories, six of them during the August-September Muzaffarnagar riots in Uttar Pradesh....
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