-The Indian Express Soon after Afzal Guru was hanged on Saturday, the Centre said two letters had been sent to his family by speed post — on February 7 and 8 — informing them about the rejection of his mercy petion and his hanging. But the postal department authorities in Baramulla, where Afzal's wife Tabassum lives, and in Sopore, where his brother Ajaz Ahmad Guru lives, confirmed that they were yet...
The Case for Direct Cash Transfers to the Poor-Arvind Subramanian, Devesh Kapur and Partha Mukhopadhyay
The total expenditure on central schemes for the poor and on the major subsidies exceeds the states' share of central taxes. These schemes are chronic bad performers due to a culture of immunity in public administration and weakened local governments. Arguing that the poor should be trusted to use these resources better than the state, a radical redirection with substantial direct transfers to individuals and complementary decentralisation to local governments...
More »Voting with your fingertips -N Gopalaswami
-The Hindu The incorporation of the Aadhar number in the electoral rolls will help to minimise malpractices and enable more people to participate in elections Every October, the Election Commission begins the annual exercise of revising the electoral rolls with the following January 1 as the effective date. This October, there was another important news — the launching of Aadhar enabled service delivery in Dudu in Rajasthan. The EC and Aadhar can...
More »Anybody ill here and seen a doctor yet? -Krishna D Rao
-The Hindu The Planning Commission’s draft 12th Plan for health has attracted much debate and controversy. Critics have been quick to direct their attention at two issues in it — the proposed increase in government health spending from one per cent to 1.58 per cent of GDP, and the “managed care model.” The spending increase was rightly felt to be grossly inadequate to move India towards achieving universal health care. The...
More »Government rolls out package to deal with poor monsoon
-The Economic Times The government has stopped short of declaring a drought but rolled out a relief package which includes subsidised diesel for irrigation, funds to ensure drinking water, seed subsidy for resowing crops and augmentation of fodder supply. "The number of rain-deficient districts this year is more than in 2009," said agriculture minister Sharad Pawar after chairing a meeting of the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on drought. The meteorological department...
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