-HuffingtonPost.in Bhopal, Patna and Lucknow are in particularly bad shape. Some of India's major cities have worse rates of child malnutrition than rural India, an analysis of data from the National Family Health Survey shows. The data shows that over a quarter of children under the age of five are stunted (low height for age) in all of India's major state capitals, except in Kochi and Hyderabad. Bhopal has higher rates of child...
Young India Is Conservative: Opposed To Homosexuality, Likes To Marry Within Their Caste, Wants A Government Job -Rukmini S
-Huffington Post A majority believed that religion (47%) should take precedence over science (33%). Socially conservative, religiously inclined, worried about jobs - a new nationally representative sample survey of India's youth paints a sobering profile of what young people think and want. Ten years after their first such survey, the Delhi-based Centre for the Study in Developing Societies (CSDS) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), a German foundation associated with a political party,...
More »There Is A Place For Aadhaar, But The Mid Day Meal Is Not It -Rukmini S
-HuffingtonPost.in This is a way to force Aadhaar enrolment, not fix the scheme. Children will suffer. I am not usually an opponent of Aadhaar, India's controversial scheme to give a unique identification number to all residents of India, with their biometric information seeded into it. Any fears that I may have about privacy or surveillance or misuse are overridden by my experience that what the poor want is to be counted, not...
More »Class III hope in poor progress report
-The Telegraph New Delhi: A survey of children's learning levels has found that Class V and Class VIII students performed as poorly in arithmetic in 2016 as they did in 2014 but Class III kids did marginally better. The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) released today also found little change in the enrolment figures in private schools. About 30.5 per cent children of the 6-14 age group were enrolled in private...
More »Oxfam's Inequality Report Has Big Flaws, But That Doesn't Narrow India's Stark Wealth Divide -Rukmini S
-Huffington Post Global inequality data may be skewed by debt, but Indian inequality really is as bad as it says. Mark Zuckerberg is wealthier than the poorest 40% of Indians, and Mukesh Ambani is worth more than the poorest 30% of Indians, a new report by Oxfam says. While Oxfam might be misstating some facts on global inequality, the data on Indian inequality really is that bad. The report, released on Monday morning,...
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