-The Hindu A catastrophe has hit India and there is no sign that the ferocious second wave is being dealt with competently Earlier this week, a young woman in Uttar Pradesh tweeted a cry for help. Her grandmother’s oxygen level had fallen to 40. “Pls help us in getting one bed in hospital in Bareilly,” she wrote in desperation. Soon a handle that called itself “Team Hindu Unlimited” was on her: “Stop...
Care economy: Why India must recognise and invest in care work -Mitali Nikore
-The Indian Express Building infrastructure and services, including pre-primary education, maternity, disability and SICkness benefits, and long-term care, will help ensure that India’s post-COVID recovery is equitable and gender-inclusive. The Cambridge Dictionary defines “infrastructure” as “the baSIC systems and services that are needed in order to support an economy.” Traditionally, infrastructure has been understood and interpreted to mean phySICal, immovable assets, primarily in the energy, transport, telecommunications and water sectors. Over the last...
More »Indian Activists Join Global Opposition to Government’s Deep Ocean Mission -Abir Dasgupta
-Newsclick.in After the Union Government announced a mission to explore mining the Indian ocean floor for rare earth minerals in this year’s budget, environment conservationists and oceanographers in India are joining global calls for a moratorium on deep sea mining. April 9, Bengaluru: Indian activists have joined worldwide environment conservationists and oceanographers in opposing the recently announced Deep Ocean Mission by the Government of India. The Mineral Inheritors Rights Association (MIRA) – an...
More »Can India be ‘atmanirbhar’ by cutting budget for children -Priti Mahara
-Down to Earth While total allocations to Union budget 2021-22 saw an increase of 14.5%, the share for children declined by 10.8% compared to 2020 The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has dealt a serious blow to the Indian economy. The economic slowdown has aggravated poverty, disrupted public provisioning for children’s welfare, exacerbated existing gaps in availability, access and utilisation of services. It has multiplied challenges for children from marginalised communities. Healthcare, nutrition,...
More »How balanced soil nutrient management can save Indian agriculture -Ridham Kakar
-Down to Earth The ill-effects of imbalanced application of fertilisers — which leads to soil SICkness, decline in soil health and reduces crop productivity — need to be understood to save Indian agriculture. Soil is rightfully called the ‘soul of infinite life’. This soul, however, has become dilapidated of late due to ill-agricultural practices being adapted to feed the ever-increasing mouths. The Green Revolution of 1965-66 helped India, for the first time...
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