-The Hindu Government sources told The Hindu that at PDS packaging centres, new unbranded bags were being replaced with used ones. Jute bags meant for packaging of foodgrains under the Public Distribution System (PDS) allegedly provided their manufacturers — in league with some officials of procuring State government agencies, quality insurance inspectors and middlemen — an opportunity to siphon off thousands of crores in government revenue. So serious is the scam that the...
India emerges top importer of used clothes -Namrata Acharya
-Business Standard Garment industry apprehends the govt to issue close to 200 new licenecs for import of wearable used clothes Kolkata: Even as premium global fashion brands see India as a potential market, another segment in the Indian retail chain is attracting global attention: The country has emerged as the biggest importer of worn clothing and Textiles. UN Comtrade data on global trade of worn clothes and Textiles show in 2013, such imports...
More »The looming spectre of rural distress -Vatsala Kamat
-Livemint.com Amid all the gloom, the lower inflation rate and commodity prices could bring some respite With the southwest monsoon retracing, concerns about the deficiency of rainfall and its impact on the economy are increasing. The 15% rainfall deficit makes it the second consecutive year of less-than-normal monsoon dotted with some unseasonal showers. Together, this would have multiple ramifications on economic growth. Both macroeconomic and sectoral analysts have turned cautious and some...
More »Museum art erased -Pheroze L Vincent
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Iconic Madhubani painter Ganga Devi's famed Kohbar Ghar or bridal nuptial chamber at the National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum here has been completely painted over. The Kohbar Ghar room was painted with murals over three to four months in the 1980s, when Ganga Devi, who passed away in 1991, was undergoing chemotherapy in a Delhi hospital. It had images of marriage scenes from Hindu scriptures, including those of...
More »Bharat Bandh: All you need to know about the trade unions strike -Sai Nidhi
-DNA The nationwide one day strike according to the trade unions is supposed to be the biggest strike ever in the country. This protest is a strike against the anti-worker economic policies of the government. 10 central trade unions have declared a nation-wide strike on September 2 which is said to impact essential services. This strike is to protest against the changes that have been made in the labour laws by...
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