-The Hindu The Niti Aayog has called for a review of the provisions of the Right To Education Act that stipulate that children who don’t perform well cannot be held back up to class VIII. It said the good intention behind the norm is detrimental to the learning process. It has also suggested a system where direct benefit transfers offer the poor a choice between subsidised purchases or equivalent cash to buy...
Unlearn ABC of pre-school teaching -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Pre-school kids who have a better understanding of concepts like distance and shape have a higher chance of excelling in studies in later years, a new study has concluded. Rather than numbers and alphabets, the stress should be on helping children understand these concepts, a key person behind the exercise told The Telegraph. The Indian Early Childhood Impact Study assessed around 13,000 five-year-olds from Assam, Rajasthan and undivided Andhra...
More »Beyond the predictive text -Anil Mammen
-The Hindu When knowledge gained is not acknowledged, and the textbook is considered the sole source of answers, education becomes a foreign language. A critique of rote learning is an educational cliché. Much has been written about it and almost every educator will passionately argue against it. However, the textbook still continues to be the holy grail of learning. You can participate in activities, test yourself, memorise information and learn. But don’t...
More »Budget 2016: In the right direction -S Mahendra Dev
-The Indian Express Budget 2016 has a greater focus on the rural and social sectors. But the challenge will lie in improving delivery systems. Indian agriculture as well as the rural sector have been in distress in the last two years due to deficit rainfall and the decline in global commodity prices. The rural non-agriculture sector, too, has been under stress due to the lack of demand for manufacturing and services. It...
More »Most Std X students below par in English, maths: NCERT -Akshaya Mukul
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The first ever survey of learning achievement of class X students has shown that majority of the states/Union Territories are performing below the overall average score in all subjects. The survey by NCERT was done with a sample of 2.77 lakh students in 7,216 schools across 33 states/UTs. NCERT is also putting in place a system whereby feedback from surveys will be given to states, examination...
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