Even as the opposition took the government to task for tweaking consumption data to show that the number of poor in India has declined, as first highlighted on Monday by Mint columnist Himanshu, Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia defended the methodology used for the calculation by the plan panel. Ahluwalia said the inclusion of money spent on the mid-day meal scheme in so-called private household expenditure was correct because...
India undercounts its poor-Himanshu
Critics are wrong when they say poverty has not declined. However, they are right, unknowingly though, when they say that the Planning Commission has not been entirely forthcoming about how it arrived at the poverty estimates it put out last week. The commission seems to have quietly tweaked the consumption data for 2009-10 used to estimate poverty. Hence, not only has it undercounted the poor in 2009-10 by some 18 million,...
More »Education quality down on poor funds utilization-Prashant K Nanda
Poor utilization of funds and irregular disbursals have been cited as the reasons for India’s school education system failing to show desired improvement even as the government has more than doubled funds for education programmes in the past two years. The government has spent just 70% of the funds allocated for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (education for all) and Right to Education in 2010-11 compared with 78% in the year earlier, according...
More »‘India's Maoists are misusing Mao's name'-Ananth Krishnan
Mao Zedong's only living grandson has suggested that the ideas of China's Great Helmsman were being misused by groups such as the Maoists in India, who were invoking his image to wage violence against the state. The greater relevance of Mao's philosophy in today's world was “to help maintain peace, stability and development” and create a more equitable global order, he said, suggesting that the former Chairman's ideas of “people's war”...
More »High Court dismisses case against Yahoo
-Express News Service The Delhi High Court on Friday quashed criminal proceedings against Yahoo India, summoned with 20 other websites by a magisterial court to face trial for allegedly hosting objectionable content on web pages. Justice Suresh Kait set aside the summons issued to Yahoo, while allowing the plea of the website that the lower court wrongly issued the summons. It, however, said a private complaint, filed by journalist Vinay Rai, against...
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