-GoI Monitor The NPAs have risen to Rs 10 lakh crore and Farm Loans make a very small portion of it. Will the recent RBI actions help? THE RESERVE Bank of India (RBI) has decided to act against 12 big corporates responsible for 25 per cent of the Rs 10 lakh-crore non-performing assets (NPAs) in Indian banks. However, despite Supreme Court's order in 2015, the RBI has refused to make the list...
Industry, not Farm Loans, responsible for majority of NPAs: report -Beena Parmar
-MoneyControl.com As per data from 2011 to 2016, the agriculture loan NPAs stood between 4-6 percent while the industry NPAs have consistently increased sharply from nearly 3 percent to 12 percent in 2016. Despite criticism on Farm Loan waivers, a data study shows that the increase in non-performing assets (NPAs) is contributed more by the industry than the agriculture sector. According to a study report by Anand Rathi, in terms of contribution to...
More »Crop insurance and the agrarian crisis in India -Sobhesh Kumar Agarwalla and Samir K Barua
-Livemint.com Crop insurance has failed to provide much-needed relief to farmers from destitution With one farmer committing suicide every half-an-hour, the number of farmers who have ended their lives as per official records in India is estimated at over 300,000 over the past two decades. These numbers do not include suicides by agricultural labourers, though they too are victims of the agrarian crisis. As each death affects at least the immediate family...
More »With No Water and Many Loans, Farmers' Deaths Are Rising in Tamil Nadu -Jaideep Hardikar
-TheWire.in While suicides and shock deaths have seen a sudden spike in Tamil Nadu’s Cauvery delta region, the government does not believe the drought is the cause and is continuing to direct water away from rural areas. From the banks of the Kollidam river, S. Selvaraju’s farm is barely a mile away. The huge river, actually a tributary of the Cauvery that drains its surplus water into the sea, runs along the village...
More »The invisible women farmers -Mrinal Pande
-The Indian Express Agriculture cannot survive without them. But they are invisible in the current conversation on the agrarian crisis An ex-company executive-cum-economist turns to the anchor during a discussion on the farmers’ agitation. “Overpopulation is destroying the farming activity. There are simply too many mouths to feed and the farms are shrinking. We must look to the urban areas for creating new jobs,” he says. The man at the local paan...
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