-The Times of India Government on Wednesday said that around seven crore people in the country were either unemployed or under-employed. "As per results of the latest survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) during 2009-10, the number of unemployed or under-employed persons on usual status basis in the country was 95 lakh and about six crore, respectively," the Union labour and employment minister Mallikarjun Kharge said in the Rajya...
For profit, not people-Sitaram Yechury
-The Hindustan Times With UPA 2 having carried the day on the motions disapproving foreign direct investment (FDI) in India’s multi-brand retail trade sector, the crescendo for a fresh round of GenNext reforms has reached a higher pitch. The editorial in this newspaper titled The slog overs have begun (Our Take, December 10) states, “Now that FDI in retail is through, the UPA must push ahead with other reforms.” The Congress-led coalitions...
More »Retail FDI: an imagined solution-VK Madhavan
-Live Mint FDI or not, there are problems that plague Indian agriculture and will need to be fixed first With the parliamentary vote on foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail out of the way, the government will proceed with the liberalization of this sector as it thinks it will improve the prospects of agriculture. Should we be worried about our small neighbourhood stores shutting down? The fears are overblown. Organized large-format retail...
More »India’s employment elasticity almost zero-Manas Chakravarty
-Live Mint High growth hasn’t led to more jobs The years between 2004-05 and 2009-10 saw some of the highest rates of gross domestic product (GDP) growth for India. The problem, however, is that this high growth hasn’t led to more jobs. Employment elasticity—which is a measure of how employment varies with economic output—has come down dramatically. The Planning Commission says that employment elasticity has come down “from 0.44 in the first half...
More »All to the sweat shop-Bhavdeep Kang
-Tehelka Here are the gaping holes in the argument for FDI in retail. No smooth talk can pave over it TOUTED AS a cure-all for India’s economic ills, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail is at best an anodyne, and at worst, toxic. It is an attempt to lift markets by fabricating sentiment; signalling an economic turnaround without any concrete steps being taken to trim the fiscal deficit or boost manufacturing. All...
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