-The Indian Express According to the I&B ministry, DD and AIR were paid Rs 45.67 crore for advertisements and advertorials run under the campaign. As a last push to help the UPA wade through the elections, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting employed the entire media machinery at its disposal, including Doordarshan (DD) and All India Radio (AIR), to tom-tom the government's welfare and development initiatives. Besides paying for direct advertising spots and...
Adivasis, Bengali Muslims worst hit by child malnutrition in Assam -Jyotsna Singh
-Down to Earth Adivasis, Bengali Muslims worst hit by child malnutrition in Assam They have low access to nutritious food in spite of increase in number of anganwadis under Integrated Child Development Scheme Adivasis and Bengali Muslims have highest rate of malnutrition in Assam. A comparison with data of 2005-06 for Assam, collected for children of all age groups by the Central government, shows that their condition has not improved despite a...
More »Fixing India’s healthcare system-AK Shiva Kumar
-Live Mint Strong political commitment is needed to build a system of universal health coverage and better regulations Life expectancy in India has more than doubled since independence, to 65 years, from just 32 in 1950. The infant mortality rate has been cut by two-thirds since 1971. Smallpox and guinea worm have been eradicated, the spread of HIV/AIDS has been contained, and the World Health Organization has declared India polio-free. Yet for all...
More »Government panel pitches for PPP model to convert waste into energy -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Days before the new government will take the charge at Centre, a high-level task force, headed by the planning commission member K Kasturirangan, has submitted its report highlighting the ways and means to convert municipal waste into energy and pitched for involving private players in a big way for achieving the goal of sustainable waste management in the country. The report - Waste to Energy -...
More »'Self Help Groups need bank loans to survive'
-The Times of India HAZARIBAG: Bikram Kumar Das, deputy general manager, Nabard in Ranchi said unless banks provide loans to women self help groups formed in 18 of the 24 districts in the state, the purpose to make them self reliant will be defeated. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, he said despite Nabard providing funds through NGOs, banks are not sanctioning loans to the self help groups. Although these women's...
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