-The Hindu Belgaum: Vijay Karnataka journalists Mrityunjay Yellappamath (Chikkodi) and Raju Ustad (Belgaum) were beaten up on Wednesday, allegedly by around eight youths. The police have arrested four persons following a complaint by the journalists at the APMC police station. The arrested are Basavaraj Siddappa Lakati, Syed Patel, Suresh Singari and Mahantesh Kudachi. Mr. Yellappamath and Mr. Ustad, who, along with other journalists, met Superintendent of Police Sandeep Patil, said that they were...
2013 World Press Freedom Index: Dashed hopes after spring
-Reporters without Borders Access the 2013 World Press Freedom Index here. After the “Arab springs” and other protest movements that prompted many rises and falls in last year’s index, the 2013 Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index marks a return to a more usual configuration. The ranking of most countries is no longer attributable to dramatic political developments. This year’s index is a better reflection of the attitudes and intentions of...
More »Hear no nuance, just jail them -Chandrima S Bhattacharya and Smitha Verma
-The Telegraph Jaipur, Jan. 27: An FIR against social scientist Ashis Nandy for alleged defamatory remarks on Dalits and tribals has brought to the fore a growing trend of “thought terrorism” that treats nuanced opinion as heresy liable to be crushed with a heavy hand. The remarks by Nandy, a widely respected sociologist known for his nuanced positions and reluctance to play to the gallery just to be part of “acceptable voices”,...
More »Caste pride in Tamil Nadu does not spare even an unborn child-D Karthikeyan
-The Hindu Madurai: Even as a campaign is on in Tamil Nadu that inter-caste marriages were mainly the result of dalits “luring” girls from other castes, here is a case in which a Vanniyar boy married a girl belonging to the Kongu Vellalar caste being separated on the basis of caste hierarchy. Unfortunately, the girl, who was pregnant, was forcibly made to undergo abortion by her parents, who lodged a complaint that...
More »Exempt disabled women from coming to police station: Verma panel-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Police can record complaint of such woman at her residence Considering the difficulties encountered by physically challenged women at each stage of the criminal-legal process, right from filing an FIR to testifying in court during trial, the Justice J.S. Verma Committee has recommended that they be exempted from coming to the police station and making repeated visits to courts for testimony. In its report, the committee said that when a physically...
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