The Rs 54,000 crore Posco integrated steel plant got the final clearance from Union environment and forests ministry on Monday. Jairam Ramesh gave the nod for the pending forest clearance to the state government, paving the way for the Korean steel giant to acquire the forest land required for the project. In January, Ramesh had put one last condition before the state government to acquire the forest land. He had asked...
The Tunnel’s Last Mile by Neelabh Mishra
I am not unduly worried by the muck being hurled at non-government members of the government-notified drafting panel for the Lokpal Bill and recall the beginning of the village-based RTI movement in 1996 in Rajasthan. One of the ridiculous allegations against the agitation leaders was that they had received a hefty commission from a Japanese manufacturer of photocopiers who would profit hugely from the demand for photocopied panchayat documents if...
More »Hazare effect by V Venkatesan and Purnima S Tripathi
Anna Hazare's fast puts Jan Lokpal on the nation's agenda, but doubts remain whether it will help root out corruption. A FUTURE historian who browses the archives of Indian newspapers and news websites from April 5 to 10 will be confused over how to characterise the groundswell of public support across the country for the “fast unto death” undertaken at Jantar Mantar, in New Delhi, by a social activist not...
More »Concerned over graft, govt to focus on governance in 12th Plan
Taking on board citizens' concerns over corruption and quality of governance, the 12th Five Year Plan proposes re-designing of government programmes even as it targets 9-9.5% economic growth with focus on health and education. Aiming at 100% adult literacy, the next Plan (2012-17) proposes to increase expenditure on health from 1.3% to at least 2-2.5% of GDP. The full Planning Commission meeting today presided over by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was given...
More »Jan Lokpal: an alternative view by KN Panikkar
Given the scale of corruption in India, the constitution of a Jan Lokpal will be a welcome initiative. But the proposed Lokpal has the makings of a super-monster. After 42 years of hesitation and uncertainty, an institutional mechanism to deal with the all-pervasive incidence of corruption in India is in sight. What apparently moved the state machinery was the agitation spearheaded by Anna Hazare, which drew spontaneous support primarily in the...
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