-DNA The government has spent a whopping Rs 80 crore since 2009 to maintain VVIP samadhis. In an RTI filed by dna, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) that is responsible for maintaining the Samadhi Complex in Delhi has revealed that these expenses were incurred to maintain plush lawns, electrical supply and security. The Samadhi Complex spread over 245 acres of land along the bank of Yamuna on Ring Road in Delhi...
SCs, STs form less that 10% of Central higher bureaucracy, says Personnel Dept
-The Hindu Business Line Despite long years of affirmative action in India, the higher bureaucracy at the Centre has less than 10 per cent representation from the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST), and not a single one from Other Backward Classes (OBC). Higher bureaucracy refers to officers at the level of Secretary, Special Secretary, Additional Secretary and Joint Secretary. According to a written reply by the Department of Personnel and...
More »Access denied -Kundan Pandey
-Down to Earth Shortage of antiretroviral drugs and lack of diagnosis is not new in India, but government does not admit to the crisis The fight against HIV/AIDS in India is becoming tougher by the day as patients continue to face an acute shortage of antiretroviral drugs. This is an alarming situation for a country with the third-highest number of HIV+ people in the world-2.1 million. In 2012, about 140,000 people in...
More »India’s 11% of neonatal deaths happen in Bihar -Banjot Kaur Bhatia
-The Times of India PATNA: Though Bihar has witnessed a steady decline in neonatal mortality rate (NMR) in recent years, it accounts for second highest total number of neonatal deaths in India. With NMR at 28, the state accounts for 11 per cent neonatal deaths in the country. NMR is defined as death of infants (within one month of birth) per 1,000 live births. Incidentally, every year around 30 lakh live births...
More »Odisha: Mid-day meals continue to be cooked in unhygienic conditions
-CNN-IBN Cuttack (Odisha): In Odisha, there are 73,000 schools where mid-day meals are provided to students everyday. The government spends around Rs 800 crore per year on these mid-day meals. Per student per meal, the amount spent is a little over Rs 4. But what is more important to know, is under what conditions, and how safely, is this food prepared. "There is no kitchen as such, the food is prepared in...
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