Maharashtra Minister launches “Save the Girl Child” campaign to curb sex-selective abortions In a packed cultural hall in Chandrapur, poor acoustics did not take away from a serious play on female foeticide. The voices of the actors went high and low as mikes were pushed hastily towards them. At the end of the play, there was a poignant appeal from an unborn girl who asked for a chance to live. On Sunday...
Double Dissent by Lola Nayar
NGOs differ on Jan Lokpal, pick on Team Anna’s shortcomings Conflict Amongst NGOs? * Great response to Anna seen as success of civil society * NGOs agree on wiping off corruption in government, not on solutions * They celebrate the middle class finding voice; but mourn lack of reach among villagers * Divergence in views seen as healthy for debate; onus on govt to take final call *** First the good news:...
More »Jan Lokpal Bill: A Dalit’s Viewpoint by Pardeep Singh Attri
I have been asked by my many friends to give my views on the recent ongoing movement against the corruption and Jan Lokpal Bill. Here in this article, I would like to present a young Dalit’s view to this bill and this recent movement. I may disappoint many of you especially those who think that bringing Lokpal Bill will solve the problem of corruption from India (yes, we rank very...
More »Can the hungry go on a hunger strike? by Arundhati Roy
Our country is poised at a dangerous place right now for many reasons. There are all kinds of battles for supremacy. There are real resistances, there are theatrical and false resistances, revolutions from the top, revolutions from the bottom. And sometimes all of this is interpreted by an increasingly hysterical media which doesn't allow space for reflection, for thought, that will only bombard, control the public imagination. At times like this,...
More »Is the BPL census correctly structured?
-The Business Standard Much depends on a strong implementation framework but the imposition of a cap by the Planning Commission could lead to arbitrary exclusions. Himanshu Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University The methodology, which is based on the framework suggested by the Saxena Committee, uses indicators that have been refined using a large-scale pilot survey There are over 400 million poor (the number varies depending on which estimate you...
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