-The Times of India With the Prime Minister himself taking up the broom along with his cabinet colleagues, BJP cadres and lakhs of government employees, the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) campaign got off to an energetic start on Thursday. But a look at the jaw-dropping dimensions of the problem makes one wonder whether Modi really has a chance to meet his target to clean up India by 2019? Here are some sobering...
Samba Ryots Stick to Tradition -S Deepak Karthik
-The New Indian Express NAGAPATTINAM: Ever tried traditional rice, the one that looks brownish-red? It may taste a bit different but it has immense health benefits. In fact, the biggest consumers of traditional rice breeds are private super specialty hospitals across major cities, which cater to dietary needs of patients, predominantly diabetics. Besides health benefits, the breeds - Maapillai Samba, Kavuni, Garudan Samba, Thanga Samba and Samba Mosanam - are said to...
More »Delta Farmers Slowly Turn to SRI Technique -R Lenin
-The New Indian Express chennai: SRI is a process of paddy cultivation that requires less water and gives robust yield. But since it is different from the traditional method of sowing, it took a lot of persuasion and perseverance to draw farmers towards it. The diffidence now appears to be waning as close to 50 per cent of the delta areas of Tiruchy district are expected to opt for SRI for Samba...
More »Nod for project to computerise PDS -T Ramakrishnan
-The Hindu chennai: After deliberations internally and with the Union government for months, the Tamil Nadu government has taken another step towards end-to-end computerisation of the public distribution system (PDS) by floating bids to select a system integrator. The firm chosen will have to implement a computerisation project. It has to design, commission and operate and maintain a solution, besides managing it for five years. The database for the system will be...
More »'Decision on GM Tech Should Be Left to Farmers'
-The New Indian Express chennai: Taking out a sharp attack on the anti-GM environmental activists, Professor Dr Shanthu Shantharam of the Iowa State University's Seed Science Centre said that the decision on the usage of GM crops should be left to farmers and not to environmental activists. He was speaking at a seminar on ‘GM Technology - Myth and Reality' organised by the Industrial Economist magazine on Saturday at the CLRI. "Let...
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