-Scroll.in Led by the All India Kisan Sabha, the protestors are planning to protest at the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha on Monday. Thousands of farmers in Maharashtra are marching from Nashik to Mumbai, demanding a complete waiver of loans and electricity bills, NDTV reported on Thursday. They are also demanding the implementation of the Swaminathan Commission’s recommendations on providing minimum support prices and safeguarding the interests of small farmers. “We want the state...
How Mallya & Modi could teach debt-ridden Vidarbha farmers to stay cool -Jaideep Hardikar
-The Indian Express Two loan defaults lead to two different outcomes, year upon year, a nightmare version of déjà vu. The former exits the country; the latter exits the mortal world. Liquor baron Vijay Mallya and diamond jeweler Nirav Modi could jointly run a crash course for the debt-ridden and beleaguered farmers of Vidarbha, nay the entire country: How to stay cool with unpaid debts. Mallya could tell the peasantry, for instance, how...
More »Malli's tragedy: On death, loss and failed govt schemes in Kerala's only tribal block -Shaju Philip
-The Indian Express With a string of malnutrition deaths and now a case of lynching, Attappadi has for long lived in Kerala’s shadows. Shaju Philip on why, despite government schemes and projects, little has changed in the state’s only tribal block. C Valli slumps onto the floor of her unplastered house at Pazhayoor colony in Attappadi’s Chindakki village, clutching a plastic bag half filled with rice. “There’s not a grain at home....
More »Massive Demo against "DBT for food subsidy" in Jharkhand
-Press Release from Right to Food Campaign dated 26 February, 2018 Ranchi: Thousands of people – men and women, young and old – walked all the way from Nagri Block towards the Chief Minister’s House in Ranchi today to demand an immediate end to the “DBT for food subsidy” experiment in Nagri. They were prevented from reaching the CM’s house, but they did reach the Governor’s house where they held a...
More »indian banking: Current Challenges & Alternatives for the Future -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-Macroscan.org indian banking today is at a tipping point. Banks are burdened with non-performing assets, incurring significant losses due to provisioning and unable to sustain credit growth, and therefore changes are both necessary and inevitable. There are possible strategies with very different implications: many leading banks could be restructured with state support and encouraged to regain the status they had as major instruments of development policy in the two decades after...
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