-PTI The CBI has registered five cases in connection with illegal iron ore export scam worth Rs. 2500 crore and carried out searches at 17 locations, including in the premises of associates of jailed mining baron G Janardhan Reddy, on Saturday. Acting on the orders of Supreme Court which asked the agency to probe the scam, the agency registered five cases and a preliminary enquiry against firms and exporters allegedly related...
Left, right united in opposing retail FDI
-The Times of India The government is facing a pincer attack over its reform decisions with opposition parties ranging from BJP to the Left planning nation-wide protests, possibly on the same day, against UPA-2's bid to allow FDI in sectors like multi brand retail and civil aviation. Regional parties like Samajwadi Party and Janata Dal (U) also joined the chorus of protests, demanding a rollback of the hike in diesel prices along...
More »Tilting the balance
-The Business Standard SC's order on trial coverage is prone to misuse The Supreme Court has ruled that if publishing news concerning a trial creates “a real and substantial risk of prejudice to the proper administration of justice or to the fairness of trial”, the court could allow a postponement of its publication through an appropriate order. The order was passed on complaints that had alleged breach of confidentiality during the...
More »IMG report on coal scam likely by Saturday
-The Times of India The inter-ministerial group (IMG) reviewing coal block allocations that have been questioned by the federal auditor for being allotted arbitrarily could not complete its proceedings and is expected to meet again on Friday. The IMG meeting could not complete its case-by-case assessment of 29 blocks allotted to private firms with the response of the private players being considered against the terms they are alleged to have violated. Sources said...
More »SC lays down new media coverage doctrine-Kian Ganz and Shuchi Bansal
-Live Mint Court says aggrieved party can seek temporary postponement of a matter by moving the appropriate court Mumbai/New Delhi: The good news for those who deal in news is that the Supreme Court decided against framing guidelines for covering so-called sub judice matters, or those before the courts. The bad news is that by delivering what some analysts are calling an ambiguous judgement, the apex court may have well made it easier...
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