Reinforcing the growing financial independence of women in India, a survey says the income level of urban Indian women has doubLED in the last decade. This increase has also LED to the average urban household income doubling, according to a study by market research firm IMRB. The urban Indian woman who earned Rs 4,492 per month in 2001 was taking home as much as Rs 9,457 as of 2010. The rise...
Food subsidy bill shoots up by a whopping of Rs 34,738 cr by Prabha Jagannathan
The Centre's food subsidy bill, incurred mainly on account of reimbursemnet of economic costs to theFood Corporation of India for grain procurement, holding and transportation, has shot up by a whopping Rs 34,738 crore compared to the budgetary allocation for 2011-12. This is mainly due to government buys of a record foodgrain crop in the 2010-11 agricultural year (july-june).The original subsidy for the year was estimated at Rs 47,239.8 crore....
More »Thousands then, four now: Akhil power play on
-The Times of India Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) general secretary Akhil Gogoi is known for drawing huge crowds in his demonstration programmes. But on Monday, when the RTI activist launched an indefinite sit-in stir against the recent hike in electricity tariff, he had only three men and a woman by his side. Is people's support for his campaign on social issues on the decline? Akhil reacts instantly. "The government...
More »Why is the educated adivasi woman still in darkness?
-ANI Kanker, (Chhattisgarh) July 20 (ANI): The evils of society somehow seem to impact women more. This is true down the ages, in practically every society. Women bear the brunt of regressive practices, not necessarily relating to them as women specifically but affecting society in its entirety. Superstition, age-old prejudices and even so-calLED 'social norms ' actually hurt them more than anyone else in society. 'Sati' horrifies us today. It is illegal....
More »PDS: Reform or Reject? by Rukmini Shrinivasan
Some interesting findings emerging on the Public Distribution System. A recent study of 100 villages in nine states says that leakages in the Public Distribution System are being plugged and diversion of grain has reduced, except in Bihar. The bad news, the researchers say, is that there are serious deficiencies in the BPL list. The study was conducted in 106 randomly selected villages in two districts each of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh,...
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