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Schools dumbing down, reveals ASER report-Arti S Sahuliyar & Achintya Ganguly

-The Telegraph Ranchi: If in 2010, half of Jharkhand's Class V children in government schools could read Class II textbooks, only 34 fifth graders out of 100 could do so in 2013. But don't blame the child, blame the lack of teachers. The standard of Jharkhand's state-run schools is plummeting through the years, says Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2013, prepared by NGO Pratham, which annually undertakes an assessment of the...

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The wealth of forests-Sunita Narain

-The Business Standard It is an inconvenient truth that the poorest people in India live in the country's richest forests. The management of this green wealth has not brought any benefits to the locals Forests have been blacked out in the economic assessment of the country. The Economic Survey does not even list forestry as a sector, for which accounts are prepared. Instead, it is lumped together with agriculture and fisheries. In...

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India witnessing NGO boom, there is 1 for every 600 people -Dhananjay Mahapatra

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: For a country which till recently had a weak civil society movement, India is now witnessing a boom in the NGO sector. With a population of 1.2 billion, the country could well be the land of opportunities for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with the Central Bureau of Investigation conservatively estimating 20 lakh of them already operating in states and union territories. The mind-boggling figures boil down to...

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Benarasi death net-Biswajeet Banerjee

-Sunday Pioneer A cluster of villages engaged in weaving the exquisite Benarasi sarees is in the midst of a serious health crisis. More than 1 lakh people from this once prosperous region have fallen prey to aggressive tuberculosis. Poor living conditions, working in dark rooms and constant inhalation of minute silk threads have weakened the lungs of these artisans. With an average monthly income of not more than Rs3,000, it is...

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Changing paradigm -Manupriya

-Down to Earth Soil's carbon storing ability may be different from what is believed SOIL has the unique ability to sequester carbon. By doing so, it lowers the amount of carbon released in the atmosphere and plays a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Though the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over the years, the rates of carbon sequestration have remained unchanged. Recent scientific developments indicate a shift...

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