Total Matching Records found : 28809

Kerala floods: The inundation of Kochi airport was a disaster waiting to happen -Mridula Chari A creek from the Periyar river was diverted when the airport – shut till August 26 – was built. As heavy rain continues to lash Kerala, the government announced on Thursday that the flooded Cochin International Airport would remain closed until August 26. The international airports in Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode districts will accommodate the traffic from Kochi, which is Kerala’s largest airport. The state is in the grip of what has...

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Double-digit delight for Manmohan era

-The Telegraph New Delhi: A new set of economic data put out by a sub-committee of the National Statistical Commission has shown that the UPA government under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh clocked a double-digit growth rate of 10.08 per cent in 2006-07. The new calculations have to be vetted by the Central Statistical Commission and by a standards authority before they become officially acceptable. If the figure holds even after that scrutiny,...

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No child left behind -Vinita Bali

-The Hindu To get good nutrition to all Indians, we need delivery models that are collaborative across domains The urgency to address poor nutrition in India, especially among children, adolescent girls and women is compelling, and re-confirmed in virtually every survey — from NFHS-4 in 2015-16 (the latest available information), to the Global Nutrition Report 2016 and the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2017, which ranks India at 100 out of 119 countries,...

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GDP grew in double digits twice in UPA era -Asit Ranjan Mishra The estimates of GDP and other related aggregates for the period 1993-94 to 2013-14 have Been calculated by an NSC committee using a so-called production shift method New Delhi: India’s economy grew in double digits twice during the previous United Progressive Alliance government (UPA) under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, 10.23% in 2007-08 and 10.78% in 2010-11, according to back series calculations by a committee appointed by the National Statistical Commission. However, the...

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15 August: Freedom from Hunger? -Subodh Varma Food grain availability for Indians has increased by just 3.3% since 1961. On this 72nd Independence Day of our India, while there will be the usual speeches and festivities, spare a thought to this shocking bit of news: average availability of food grains for every Indian has increased by 3.3% since 1961. Food grains includes wheat, rice, other cereals and pulses. Among these, per person availability of pulses has actually declined...

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