Total Matching Records found : 13961

Foul air killing up to 80 Delhiites a day, claims study -Jayashree Nandi

-The Times of India Air pollution from respirable particulate matter (PM2.5) could be responsible for 10,000 to 30,000 premature deaths in Delhi — up to 80 deaths each day — authors of an international study released on Tuesday indicated. Scientists who conducted the study, published in the Environmental Science and Technology journal, said most of these deaths were due to heart attacks and strokes, and not very many because of respiRATory diseases. The...

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India's rich got richer under UPA-II, will get wealthier under Modi govt

-Hindustan Times In signs of rising disparity in wealth distribution, only 928 households own a fifth of India's private wealth, according to a report by the Boston consulting group. The percentage of private financial wealth those 928 households own is 20%, the BCG report titled 'Global Wealth 2015: Winning the Growth Game' said. The number of such ultra high net worth households stood at 284 in 2013, and is projected to account for...

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Wholesale price index dips in May -TCA Sharad Raghavan & Sanjay Vijayakumar

-The Hindu Food inflation remained positiv, at 3.8 % compared to what it was in May 2014. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation was -2.36 per cent in May, marking the seventh consecutive month in which it has been negative, compared to -2.65 per cent in April. Food inflation remained positive, at 3.8 per cent compared to what it was in May 2014. However, the consensus among analysts is that this will not...

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Re 1 'shame' for loo dodgers -Basant Rawat

-The Telegraph Ahmedabad: If "pay and use" toilets can't slay the demon of open defecation, perhaps "get paid for not using" will. So believes the Ahmedabad Municipal CorpoRATion, which plans to shame the city's dump-it-in-the-open brigade by catching them in the act every morning and paying them Re 1 on the spot. Will this not be an incentive for the offenders to stick to the old habit RATher than shed it? Civic health...

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How hungry is India? -Archana Mishra

-Tehelka The country has egg on its face but not in its diet, as the Global Hunger Index reveals acute malnutrition Swachh BhaRAT Mission, if implemented in a holistic fashion, holds the key to curbing not only the problem of diarrhoeal deaths for which India holds the world record, but also malnutrition. However, the World Toilet Summit, which was held in the national capital this year as part of the Mission, was...

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