In the remote Raghopur block of Vaishali district in Bihar, the primary health centre (PHC) is supposed to be operational 24X7, with the medical officer in charge (MOIC) running the out-patient department between 8am and 12.30pm. On 8 May, the MOIC reached the PHC at 10.30am and left after an hour. According to patients, this was not a random event. Most of the 20-strong crowd awaiting medical attention is turned away....
MGNREGS: ‘GPs can sanction funds only upto Rs 1 lakh’
The power of the Gram Panchayats of sanctioning works under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has been curtailed down to Rs 1 lakh from Rs 10 lakh, said Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer P Shivashankar. Addressing the District Vigilance and Monitoring Committee meeting on Wednesday at ZP hall, he said that the step has been taken up by the Government following several complaints of misuse of funds under...
More »Bamboo artisans struggle for survival by Ratan K Pani
PATNAGARH: For generations they have been weaving magic, from bamboo. But, traditional bamboo workers are now close to breaking and the onslaught of substitute materials and government policies since past some decades have driven bamboo weavers to poverty and starvation. The bamboo artisans of Kolpada in Khaprakhol block under Balangir district are leading a life of penury. Inhabited by primitive Kol tribe, by virtue of which the village gets its name,...
More »Plan panel focus on 11 rebel-hit districts by Suman K Shrivastava
Thanks perhaps to President’s rule, Jharkhand received a patient hearing from the Planning Commission that okayed the infusion of more funds to deal with the Naxalite menace. After two rounds of meetings with the state top brass in New Delhi today, the commission approved a Plan outlay of Rs 9,240 crore, Rs 240 crore more than what was proposed by the state administration for 2010-11. The additional Rs 200 crore was earmarked...
More »North-East’s climate change vulnerability to be mapped by Padmaparna Ghosh
In the first study of its kind, a group of scientists will map climate change vulnerability in all the north-eastern states of India. The study, to be completed by end-July, will focus on threats to agriculture, forestry, water and livelihood resulting from climate change in the fragile region. The study will be conducted jointly by scientists from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore, Jadavpur University, the Indian Institute of Technology...
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