-The Telegraph India on Thursday recorded more than 379,000 new infections and 3,645 deaths, raising the total of active case to more than 3 million India’s research community on Thursday asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to release data on the patterns and severity of the Covid-19 infections amid concerns that the Centre had withheld information that could guide effective responses to the epidemic. A group of over 200 scientists and medical researchers, in...
WTO must prioritise food security -Prachi Singhal
-The Financial Express The 12th Ministerial Conference must deliver a permanent solution on public stockholding for ensuring food security of millions reeling under Covid-induced poverty The work for the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC 12) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) —to be held in Geneva, from November 30 to December 3—that had been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic has gained momentum since the joining of the new director general of the WTO,...
More »Citizens Are Plugging India’s Gaping, Governance Gaps In Covid Care -Salik Ahmad
-Article-14.com As India faces a catastrophic second wave and the government is largely prominent by its absence, thousands of ordinary citizens are stepping up to help with information, oxygen, hospital beds, crematoria and even performing last rites, regardless of religion. New Delhi: Ifrah Fatima, 26, an MBBS graduate in Hyderabad was “doomscrolling Twitter” on 18 April, feeling “utterly helpless” about India’s Covid-19 emergency, when an idea struck her. She posted on Instagram,...
More »No vaccine for 18 to 44 in Arunachal -Tongam Rina
-ArunachalTimes.in ITANAGAR, 28 Apr: Arunachal Pradesh will not vaccinate those between the ages of 18 to 44 for now, as the state is yet to receive Covid-19 vaccines from the manufacturer. The health department is yet to hear from the vaccine manufacturer, which means all adults below the age of 45 will not be vaccinated for now, though the priority group that includes health care and frontline workers and above 45 will...
More »A patently wrong regime -Suhrith Parthasarathy
-The Hindu Over the last few decades, intellectual property rules have served as a lethal barrier to the right to access healthcare Even an unprecedented pandemic can do little, it appears, to upset the existing global regime governing monopoly rights over the production and distribution of life-saving drugs. If anything, since the onset of COVID-19, we’ve only seen a reaffirmation of intellectual property rules that have served as a lethal barrier to...
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