-The Indian Express Over six months after the riots, the Delhi government faces charges of delays, mismatches and false rejections over its compensation disbursal to victims and their families. New Delhi: After his small restaurant in Gokulpuri was vandalised and looted during the Northeast Delhi riots, Usman Ali sought Rs 3 lakh in damages from the state government. He was paid Rs 750. Days into her pregnancy, on February 25, Gulzeb Parveen’s husband...
6 million white-collar workers lost their jobs during the Lockdown -Prashant K Nanda
-Livemint.com * While 5.9 million white collar workers lost their jobs between May-August 2020, over the previous four months ended 30 April, this job loss number stood at 6.6 million when compared with May-August 2019 * Continued curbs and localized Lockdowns have hit economic recovery and employment prospects NEW DELHI: Almost six million white-collar workers, including engineers, physicians, teachers, accountants and analysts, lost their jobs between May and August, the Centre for Monitoring...
More »Desperate economic situation calls for immediate boost to government expenditure -Prabhat Patnaik
-National Herald Universal cash transfer to non-income tax households is imperative apart from covering investment on infrastructure, including social infrastructure like healthcare A striking aspect of the 24 per cent decline in GDP in the first quarter of 2020-21 compared to the previous year’s first quarter is the decline by 10.3 per cent in public administration, defence and other public services. This is a sector where the GDP is estimated not by...
More »Migrant workers' deaths: Govt says it has no data. But didn't people die? Here is a list - Mukesh Rawat
-IndiaToday.in The Modi govt has told Parliament it does not have data of migrant workers who died during the Lockdown. India Today sheds light on data documenting those who died while desperately trying to reach their homes. While presenting the Union Budget 2020 in Parliament on February 1, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman outlined the importance of data and said that in order to meet challenges of real-time monitoring of India's increasingly complex...
More »Tumbling down -Renu Kohli
-The Telegraph The slump in the GDP and the pain ahead The -23.9 per cent shrinkage in the April-June GDP is not a surprise as nearly half the period witnessed a national Lockdown. It’s also not surprising that this loss is the world’s steepest for India’s Lockdown was the most stringent and the accompanying fiscal policy response the weakest. But the quarter per cent slump did surprise most analysts who have since...
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