-Hindustan Times After Tamil Nadu’s pioneering Amma canteens, many states have started community kitchens, such as Karnataka’s Indira Canteens. This is a welcome development. The first coverage of the recently inaugurated “Indira canteens” in Karnataka that I noticed were two reports on television channels. Both were poking fun (justifiably) at Rahul Gandhi’s goofy speech at the launch. Sadly though, neither commented on the rationale or importance of the Karnataka government’s initiative. This...
Additional Rs 6,39,900 crore investment needed to double farmers' income
-PTI NEW DELHI: An additional investment of Rs 6,399 billion is required from both public and private sectors to enable doubling of farmers' real income by 2022-23, a government committee said in its latest report. At present, public investment is below national average in states like Assam, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Punjab and Odisha. Less developed states in the eastern region continue to lag behind in...
More »Restored farm ponds help Sahariyas tide over drought -Nachiket Sule
-VillageSquare.in Even as Madhya Pradesh reels under severe drought, residents of a tribal village who were denied access to water have collectively restored farm ponds to harvest the meager rainfall to fulfill their water needs Shivpuri (Madhya Pradesh): The landscape of Shivpuri district in Madhya Pradesh is a clear indicator of how arid the region is. With below-average rainfall in successive years, Shivpuri has been in the list of drought-hit districts for...
More »Madhya Pradesh to compensate farmers selling at lower than MSP -Milind Ghatwai
-The Indian Express The registration of farmers will begin from September 1. Besides personal details like phone number, bank account details and Aadhaar number, the farmers will have to share details of cultivation and acreage Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh government is set to roll out a populist scheme to compensate farmers when they are forced to sell their crops below the minimum support price (MSP) in mandis. The move by the...
More »Weak govt finger on the pulse: Dal pinches for farmers -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The woes of pulses farmers and traders like Kagi can be put down to all-time-high imports of 6.6 mt (valued at Rs 28,524.05 crore) on top of a record domestic production of 22.4 mt in 2016-17 — made worse by the weak, behind-the-curve policy response whether to do with trade or stockholding restrictions. Agriculture in India has always suffered from lethargic and uncoordinated policy response. And there can be...
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