-The Hindu The incident happened on November 18, but the local police lodged an FIR only on December 5 after a local MLA intervened on behalf of the parents Ghaziabad: The police have arrested the directors of two private schools in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh for allegedly molesting 17 minor girl students who were asked to stay overnight on a school premises on the pretext of a practical exam. The incident allegedly...
NHRC issues notices to Centre, Nagaland on civilian killings
-The Hindu The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Monday issued notices to the Centre and Nagaland Government over the killing of civilians by security forces in Mon district on December 4. The NHRC took suo motu cognisance of media reports and issued notices to the Union Defence Secretary, Union Home Secretary, Nagaland Chief Secretary and Nagaland Director General of Police, calling for a detailed report on the incident within six weeks. “The...
More »After Nagaland Army Op, State To Move Against Controversial Act AFSPA -Ratnadip Choudhury
-NDTV.com On Saturday, 14 villagers and a soldier died in Nagaland's Mon district after an Army op to track down insurgents went off script. A police FIR has said the Army's 21 Para Special Forces "blankly opened fire". Kohima: Amid outrage over the mistaken killings of 14 civilians in a botched army operation against insurgents, the Nagaland government will write to the Centre calling for the repeal of the Armed Forces Special...
More »Can’t Compromise on Demand for MSP, Cases, Compensation, says SKM, After MHA Fails to Hold Talks -Ravi Kaushal
-Newsclick.in Farmer leaders cut up as Centre has not yet tried to open up dialogue on remaining demands with the 5-member committee. New Delhi: After a day-long meeting at the Singhu Border, the core committee of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) on Monday said that farmers’ leaders had so far received only verbal assurances from the Union government and it remained non-committal on any written statement for withdrawal of criminal cases and...
More »How MGNREGS is Gradually Being Choked of Funds -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in The Narendra Modi government has carried the practice of making low budgetary allocations for MGNREGS to its limit. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme or MGNREGS was introduced by the United Progressive Alliance-I government despite opposition from the neo-liberal lobby within it, owing inter alia to the active intervention of the Left, which was supporting that government from outside. The scheme was restrictive from the beginning: it promised a maximum...
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