-The Times of India MUMBAI: Market regulator Sebi on Wednesday cracked down on the retail-to-financial services Sahara group and ordered the attachment of all assets of two Sahara group firms, besides freezing their bank accounts and those of their promoters and directors including that of group head Subrata Roy. Sebi's crackdown on the two Sahara group firms—Sahara Housing Investment Corp and Sahara India Real Estate Corp — comes exactly a week after...
Fancy joining a rural health school?-Vijaykumar Patil
-The Hindu The aim: to generate a cadre of healthcare providers who will stay put in villages and extend comprehensive healthcare to the needy It is not unusual to find Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in villages closed for long hours, with the patients waiting for a doctor. The reason: many doctors are reluctant to serve in rural areas. Thus, the promised public healthcare to all finds little meaning for the patients in...
More »The Doctor Only Knows Economics-Lola Nayar and Amba Batra Bakshi
-Outlook This could be the UPA’s worst cut to its beloved aam admi. Healthcare has virtually been handed over to privateers. Not For Those Who Need It Most Govt seems to have abandoned healthcare to the private sector Diagnosing An Ailing Republic 70 per cent of India still lives in the villages, where only two per cent of qualified allopathic doctors are available Due to lack of access to medical care, rural India...
More »Needless hysterectomies on poor women rampant across India: Study -Malathy Iyer
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Is India witnessing a spurt in unnecessary hysterectomies? Data released by international charity organization Oxfam on February 6 says as much. The agency said that unnecessary hysterectomies were being performed in Indian private hospitals to economically exploit poor women as well as government-run insurance schemes. A right to information (RTI) request filed by one of Oxfam's local NGOs in the Dausa district of Rajasthan showed that 258...
More »After Owaisi, it’s Togadia’s turn to make hate speech-S Harpal Singh
-The Hindu Nanded police say they have received no complaint Adilabad: Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Praveen Togadia tried to outdo Akbaruddin Owaisi within a fortnight of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) MLA being sent to jail on charges of delivering a hate speech at Nirmal town in Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh. At a public meeting at Bhokar town in Nanded district of Maharashtra, just 80 km from Nirmal, on January 22 — details...
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