LUCKNOW: In Uttar Pradesh, over Rs 3,700 crore of central health funds may have been systematically looted over the past six years. Many people, including Rahul Gandhi, had spoken of the NRHM bungle, but the size of the scam indicates that not only were officials at the level of CMO and above involved, but also this could not have been carried out without the knowledge and support of their masters....
RTI activist behind bars had questioned construction by Peeyush Khandelwal
At the collapse site in Shalimar Garden area, thousands of onlookers gathered to have a glimpse of what some of them had already expected. Several nearby residents told mediapersons that an RTI activist was put behind bars when he tried to file RTIs to find out the truth — the manner in which construction was allowed at the building that collapsed. On Saturday evening, residents confronted officials of Ghaziabad administration and...
More »Is India's population policy sexist? by Soutik Biswas
Can the promise of a car or a mixer grinder help keep India's population in check? Well, that's what health authorities in the northern state of Rajasthan apparently believe. They are offering a cheap car, among other things, as a prize in an attempt to sign up some 20,000 people to meet an ambitious sterilisation target. Time will tell whether this turns out to be another gimmick or an innovative incentive. But...
More »Poor farmers lose out due to unending protests by Arpit Parashar
Farmers are caught between Mayawati’s promises, Rahul Gandhi’s idealism and mounting debts Land acquisition policy in Uttar Pradesh has been changed at least five times in the past five years to benefit the farmers. Amidst the raging controversies over what should be the land compensation rate and debates and protests over the various clauses of the land acquisition policy, most farmers have lost more than they could gain from Mayawati’s new...
More »Agriculture blooming on initiatives galore by K Balchand
India registered a good 8.5 percent GDP growth in 2010-11 staving off the global impact of recession mainly due to the major recovery in the agriculture sector. The recorded foodgrain production in 2010-11 was the outcome of the initiatives of the state governments, the union government has now acknowledged. It was an innovation's galore to say the least if one takes into consideration the efforts of the 10 states that went...
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