-PTI Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said Friday the government will take all measures to ensure that onion prices do not go up to the Rs 80-100 per kg level again, seeking to quell fears of a spike in the festive season ahead. The monsoon was late, so the kharif or summer onion crop would be delayed by a month in Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, the main growing areas. This could...
Agriculture not out of the woods yet -Dharmakirti Joshi, Neha Duggar Saraf & Sakshi Gupta
-The Financial Express Though food inflation could be lower than last year's 11.1%, fruit and vegetable prices remain the pressure points. Concerns over monsoon have diminished a lot in recent weeks because of four positive developments. First, rainfall deficiency has reduced sharply from a century-high of 45% for June to 17% as on August 18. Second, sowing has caught up significantly from 40% below normal in mid-July to just 2.3% below normal...
More »Big monsoon picture masks agony on the small farm -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard Rainfall shortage in Rajasthan to hit summer and Winter crops Alwar (Rajasthan): Khajura Ram has an agonising fortnight ahead. If it does not rain in the next 15 days, he not only will have a poor summer bajra crop; his Winter wheat or mustard will suffer as well because it will have to be planted late. "By the middle of August, the bajra crop should have been ready for harvesting...
More »Depleting water reservoirs need rains to prevent crop loss: Government
-Reuters NEW DELHI: India's reservoirs are depleting fast and monsoon rains need to pick up now if they are to have enough water to prevent a drop in output of major Winter crops such as wheat and rapeseed that are sown from October, a senior government official said. Rains were 15 per cent below average in the week to July 16, an improvement from the previous week's shortfall of 41 per cent...
More »A veggie vengeance -Shreekant Sambrani
-The Business Standard The government needs counter cyclical policies to tackle vegflation, which has become a recurrent problem Somebody help. Narendra Modi and Arun Jaitley are held hostage, not by jihadists, recalcitrant opposition, international capital or the ever-erratic monsoon, but by faceless, nameless manipulators of Nasik, Navi Mumbai and Azadpur markets. The "raw" terror they have let loose resounds in the corridors of government as well as media power. Cutting to the chase,...
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