-The Hindu Business Line The maximum crop damage was reported from Western Madhya Pradesh, which received 61 per cent surplus rains. Excess monsoon rains and the floods caused by them affected crops in many States, including Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and punjab, according to a kharif crop damage report released by private weather forecaster Skymet on Tuesday. While 40 to 50 per cent of soyabean crop has been hit in Madhya...
How a potent mix of water crisis, mechanisation & climate change stoke stubble burning & pollution -Angana Chakrabarti & Aniruddha Ghosal
-News18.com As the capital chokes in a toxic haze that was described by the Supreme Court on Monday as “worse than the Emergency”, and politicians across parties blame each other, experts point out that the 2009 punjab Preservation of Subsoil Water Act changed the “timing of the burning”. New Delhi: Behind the burning of crop waste, or stubble, that poisons Delhi’s already-polluted air, is a story of changing agricultural practices, a...
More »punjab water law change, delayed burning, wind pattern behind NCR smog -Anju Agnihotri Chaba & Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express Farmers in punjab and Haryana have been setting fire to their fields after harvesting of paddy since the 1980s. That was since the time combine machines, instead of manual labourers, started being used for harvesting and threshing their grain. Jalandhar, Pune: The problem of air pollution from paddy stubble burning is ultimately about a simple trade-off: between more smoke and less water. Farmers in punjab and Haryana have been...
More »Delay in sowing fuelled farm fires: Harvard study -Vishav Bharti
-The Tribune Chandigarh: The punjab Government’s policy of delaying sowing of paddy has resulted in deteriorating air quality, a study carried out by researchers of Harvard University, US, has found. The study titled “Detection of delay in post-monsoon agricultural burning across punjab, India: potential drivers and consequences for air quality” carried out by Tianjia Liu of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Loretta J Mickley of the School of Engineering...
More »Some relief at last from scorched earth tactics
-Livemint.com Since state administrations failed to contain the noxious smoke of farmland stubble fires in north India, the Supreme Court has had to order a crackdown. Here’s what else we could do There was hope for the residents of a broad expanse of north India, who faced a public health emergency due to air pollution, a significant part of which was caused by smoke arising from the burning of crop stubble—stalks of...
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