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42 pc underweight children, a national shame: PM

-PTI   Highlighting that 42 per cent children were underweight in a country witnessing high growth, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today described it as a national shame and said the government could not rely solely on ICDS, a programme for early childhood development, to address it.  "...The problem of malnutrition is a matter of national shame. Despite impressive growth in our GDP, the level of under-nutrition in the country is unacceptably high," he...

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Nutrition surprise in rich kids by GS Mudur

Even wealthy children show signs of poor nutrition in some Indian states, according to a new report on child malnutrition from a non-government organisation released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today. The report, based on a survey across 100 districts in six states with poor child development indicators, has shown that child malnutrition is widespread — 42 per cent of children under five years of age are underweight, and 59 per...

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Tracker controversy by TK Rajalakshmi

The use of tracker technology to zero in on the misuse of diagnostic techniques for sex determination has evoked mixed reactions. ONE of the least discussed issues in the context of the data thrown up by Census 2011 is the worrisome decline in the child sex ratio (CSR) and the not-too-perfect implementation of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, or PCPNDT Act. There is reason to...

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42 per cent of Indian children are underweight by Aarti Dhar

Manmohan calls new report's findings a ‘national shame’ A new study based on a survey of the height and weight of more than one lakh children across six States has found that as many as 42 per cent of under-fives are severely or moderately underweight and that 59 per cent of them suffer from moderate to severe stunting, meaning their height is much lower than the median height-for-age of the reference...

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Khap panchayat bans cultivation of paddy in Jhajjar region by Ravinder Saini

Notwithstanding the rising trend of growing paddy in the state, it will not be easy now for the farmers of the Salhavaas region here to grow the paddy crop as the Jakhar khap panchayat, which is active in 36 villages of the region, has clamped a ban on cultivating the paddy crop in the villages. If any one dares to violate the verdict of the panchayat, he may be boycotted socially...

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