-The Indian Express Sixty-four years after caste untouchability was abolished by the Constitution, more than a fourth of Indians say they continue to practise it in some form in their homes, the biggest ever survey of its kind has revealed. Those who admit to practising untouchability belong to virtually every religious and caste group, including Muslims, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Going by respondents' admissions, untouchability is the most widespread among Brahmins, followed...
Child nutrition in India’s developed states improves
-The Hindu But immunisation record worsens India's more developed states, especially its southern states, have seen improvements in child nutrition over the last five years, but have a patchy record on immunisation, new official data shows. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has begun releasing data for the fourth round of the District Level Health Survey, which covers all of the country, except the eight backward northern states known as the Empowered...
More »Women on the Edge of Land and Life -Manipadma Jena
-IPS News SUNDARBANS: November is the cruelest month for landless families in the Indian Sundarbans, the largest single block of tidal mangrove forest in the world lying primarily in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. There is little agricultural wage-work to be found, and the village moneylender's loan remains unpaid, its interest mounting. The paddy harvest is a month away, pushing rice prices to an annual high. For those like Namita Bera,...
More »Where the frontline is key to the bottomline -Lant Pritchett and Yamini Aiyar
-The Indian Express Prime Minister Narendra Modi has repeatedly promised India "maximum governance". But to get there, the high costs and ineffectiveness of frontline service providers need to be addressed. Take elementary school teachers, for instance. "Complete rest in comfortable conditions" is the description a rather candid elementary education cluster resource centre coordinator (CRCC) in Bihar gave his own job. And it's not just him, it is also how the CRCC describes...
More »Maharashtra records highest number of farmer suicides this year -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Maharashtra continues to face the challenge of dealing with rising cases of farmers' suicide. It has reported 204 such suicides in the first four months of the year - which is nearly half of what the state had reported in the entire year in 2013. The Union agriculture ministry on Tuesday informed the Lok Sabha of Maharashtra's dubious record followed by Telangana, Karnataka and Gujarat. Though...
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