-The Business Standard Ashok Gulati in a paper also gave measures to contain the inflation As India's food inflation continues to remain stubbornly high - it was in double digit for the third straight month in February 2013 at 11.38% - a discussion paper floated by eminent agriculture economist and chairman of Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP) Ashok Gulati has blamed high fiscal deficit, rising farm wages and global food...
Cash transfer of subsidy could save Rs 60,000 crore: Study -Surojit Gupta
-The Times of India Direct transfer of benefits in cash to targeted beneficiaries of food and fertilizer subsidies could save an estimated Rs 60,000 cr and help trim the fiscal deficit which, in turn, may calm stubbornly high food inflation, a study by a government wing has shown. The study showed that policies to rein in food inflation would require winding down of the fiscal deficit, which has gone above 8% of...
More »Agent's apple growers don't get fruit of labour-Sandeep Pai
-DNA You may be cursing when you pay a high price for Kashmiri apples, wondering what share of the moneyorchard owners would receive. But in reality, the apple growers wouldn't be even knowing the price at which the fruit is sold in the mainland, leave alone reaping profits. Then, where does the money go? Into the pockets of commission agents, who, sitting in Delhi or any of the major cities, exploit and...
More »Punjab facing stagnancy in agriculture: State's Economic Survey-Vijay C Roy
-The Business Standard According to Economic Survey of the state, contribution of primary sector in the GDP of state is continuously declining since 2004-05 Having distinction of being the pioneer of Green Revolution, Punjab is facing stagnancy in agriculture production and constant decline in primary sector's share in state GSDP. According to Economic Survey of the state, contribution of primary sector(which comprises mainly agriculture and allied activities) in the GDP of state...
More »Agriculture vs technology -Deepak Pental
-The Indian Express No country has ever achieved prosperity without engaging with science and technology (S&T). The ascent of the West and its global domination owes much to its prowess in S&T. In Asia, Japan and South Korea and more recently China have taken the highway to prosperity by mastering technology and effectively dealing with complexity. Chinese economist Justin Yufi Lin in his book The Quest for Prosperity has argued that...
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