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Aadhaar and the rhetoric of fear -Praveen Chakravarty

-The Indian Express   Five years on, we need to examine our xenophobic reactions and paranoia of the intrusive state. Five years and Rs 4,000 crore ($800mn) later, there is a pregnant pause. "Are you who you claim you are?" is a question that more than 60 crore Indian residents can now answer with integrity. Twenty-three out of the 36 states and Union territories of India can now verify the authenticity of more...

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Onion prices likely to soar as major suppliers go on strike

-The Hindustan Times   Already struggling with milk crisis, the state's residents may now face a shortage of onions, as onion traders in Nasik went on an indefinite strike from Monday. Nasik is a major onion supplier to Jharkhand and onion prices are likely to go up if the strike continues. "Nasik meets 40-50% of state's demand of onions. So, prices will go up for sure, if supply reduces. We hope the strike...

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CBSE schools triple as board’s popularity grows across India -Vinamrata Borwankar & Hemali Chhapia

-The Times of India   MUMBAI: The landscape of school education has for long promised a variety of options. Almost half-a-dozen school boards-local, national and international-offer Indian students a choice of academic algorithms for careers ahead. But of them all, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), which was largely designed for those who moved home and could not be loyal to a state board, is picking up popularity across the nation. In 1996-97,...

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34% of state's potable water contaminated -Viju B

-The Times of India   THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The latest Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report has come down heavily on Kerala Water Authority (KWA) for not providing safe drinking water to people of Kerala, especially when sufficient funds were allotted under various drinking water and sanitation schemes. "Test results by the KWA had shown that 34% of total water sources tested in Kerala was contaminated with heavy presence of iron, fluoride, saline, nitrates, deadly...

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Govt plans 'soil health cards' for all farmers -Vishwa Mohan

-The Times of India   NEW DELHI: Seeking to spur agricultural growth, the Centre will soon launch a comprehensive plan to provide 'Soil Health Card' to all farmers across the country. The card will carry crop-wise recommendations of nutrients/fertilizers required for farms, making it possible for farmers to improve productivity by wisely using inputs. A computerized system will be developed, allowing local agriculture science centres to keep details of 'soil test' results. Soil...

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